Monday, October 6, 2008

Design Science MathType 6.0c

Design Science MathType 6.0c


Design Science MathType™ is a powerful interactive tool that will revolutionize the way you create print and web-based documents that contain math. MathType works with any word processor, presentation program, page layout program, HTML-authoring tool and other types of software, to create equations for research papers, class materials, web pages, slide presentations, journal articles and books.

If you are familiar with our Equation Editor included in Microsoft Office and other products, then you will really appreciate MathType’s extra features. It will let you create a wider range of equations for a wider range of documents, and help you work much more efficiently. We’ve added an enormous amount of functionality that effectively transforms Microsoft Word into a state-of-the-art math word processor and web page editor.

MathPage: Revolutionary New Technology for Publishing Math on the Web

MathType includes our new MathPage™ technology that enables you to transform an entire Word document to a web page with equations that print and display beautifully in any modern Windows, Macintosh, Unix or Linux browser — no existing product or technology yields better results or is easier to use.

MathType 6 New Features:

Virtually all MathType features are enhanced in each major release. Here are some major new features in MathType 6. To learn more about these features, visit our Full Feature List.

* Microsoft Office 2007 Support: MathType takes full advantage of Office 2007’s new Ribbon User Interface by adding a new MathType Tab in Word and PowerPoint. This makes it easier than ever to do equation operations in documents and presentations. New equation numbering and browse features work with all Word 2007 equation types. MathType 6 also supports Office 2003, XP (2002), and 2000.

* Define Equations using TeX/LaTeX: If you already know the TeX typesetting language, you can enter equations quickly using MathType’s TeX input mode. TeX editing can be mixed with point-and-click editing so you get the best of both worlds. You can also copy equations from existing TeX documents.

* Copy and Author Equations from Wikipedia: Wikipedia, the popular online encyclopedia, contains 1000’s of pages with mathematical equations. Once you do your research on Wikipedia, you can copy relevant equations for use in your own work. You can also copy MathType equations into Wikipedia’s page editor in order to create new pages or edit existing ones.

* Windows Vista Support: MathType 6 now works on Windows Vista, XP, and 2000 operating systems.

* Equation Browsing: The new equation browsing feature allows you to visit every equation and/or equation number and reference in your Word document or PowerPoint presentation.

* MathML Clipboard Support: MathType can now copy equations to the Windows clipboard using the new MathML Clipboard Format that is supported by a growing number of mathematical and scientific applications.

* New, Improved Online Help: We have combined MathType’s user manual and help into a single comprehensive help system featuring full text search and an extensive index. It contains tutorials that teach you how to use MathType most efficiently as well as contextual help for its commands and dialogs.



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