Thursday, October 2, 2008

Remote Hacking

Remote Hacking

In this tutorial; you will learn how to access a computer's friend through a simple conversation on MSN. Its quite easy, but most people consider the contents of this document to be more of a 'script kiddie' actions.

Script Kiddie: n00b-hackers who consider themselfes to be powerful because of the tools they have obtained rather then the hard powerful way real hackers use.

But anyways, script kiddies <3
Okay, first of all, when downloading any kind of hacking or cracking executables or ZIPs then you must consider immediatly disabling your antivirus so it wont pick it up as a 'trojan' or a 'backdoor' or most common, a '.hacktool'


The method we are using is called trojanning or setting a backdoor to your victim's computer. Backdoor(s) allow hackers to control your computer as if you asked them for remote assistance. 'Trojans' and / or 'backdoors' are quite named as a RAT (remote administration tools) or (remote access tools) in the hacking community.

How RAT(s) work

Simple question yet by a simple person; how do RAT(s) work. Well, they open a specific port on the victim's computer which allows any hacker to portscan the computer and see that this port is open, so he tries to connect to it and he gets access.

Okay, you might be saying wtf? What's a port, IP address and a portscan attack will be discussed shortly.


IP address: IP addresses are your friend's internet address. If he's on dial-up, it changes on every reconnection to the internet (dynamic). On a broadband or highspeed connection, its static meaning it wont change.

Port: Consider a port more of a seaport; but the computers' has over 65,000 ports (65353 ports to be exact) and all of them are closed. Seaports allow ships to come in and out, if its closed, no ship is allowed to get in; its usually closed when a enemy or another country wants to enter the seaport.

Same as a computer's ports; they are closed when you are disconnected, when you connect, some are opened, and the hacker (enemy) is trying to get in, how will he know out of 65353 ports which one is open? Sure, he's not going to take a thousand year to try daily to connect to you on each port, his ISP will suspend him, you will track him and get him in jail even!

So he performs a...
Portscan attack: Portscanners launch a portscan attack on remote-computers to find out which ports are opened, and what service they are using to keep them open. Ports are opened for a reason, to allow data to come in and out, if you use firefox or internet explorer, port 80 is opened, etc. If you use mailservice; port 25 will be opened, etc.

If you haven't understand everything, which I dont blame you for because its alot of information; I suggest reading this tutorial after picking up a few TCP/IP and networking books and reading 'em to get deeper into the hacking community.

MSN convo -- 0wn3d

How will you know what is your friend's IP address, hm... There are a few methods hackers use targeting computer experts, but if your friend is dumb, or you're at his house, you might wanna go to and writing it down on a piece of paper; or, you can ask him and tells him its a lucky number, type it for me in the MSN conversation.

If he's a computer expert or didn't fall for this, you might wanna try the hard way, send him any folder, doesn't have to be infected or a virus, make sure no conversations, applications, browsers, or anything that interepets or communicates with the internet is opened other then the conversation with your victim, Start -> Run... and type 'cmd.exe', type 'netstat -n' whilst sending the file and you will have a list of IP addresses. The first few are yours, now scroll down, and you see his 'foregin IP', write it down on a paper.

Yeah! You got his fricken' IP address! Now, lets perform our hacking!

Hacking Operation

Okay, well you know your friend's IP address. Aint that great? Lets perform our 411-hacking operation! okey: Poke your friend in the heart, yeah!
Okay, I got a bit hyper writing this tutorial till here, now lets continue.

Go to
and browse to: Trojans/Backdoors >> Trojan Horses >> Yuri RAT.
Now download Yuri RAT. Trojans work as a client/server direct-connection, meaning, you will send the server.exe (binded) with a simple innocent virus-free game, and send it to the victim.
The victim opens it, and starts playing the game, but in the background, a port with listening ears has been opened, you simply open the trojan's client and type his IP address, leave the default port, and click Connect, access granted.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

dude, isnt valid anymore. so suggest an alternate method